
We are a Sustainable Contemporary Streetwear Brand geared towards elevating planetary consciousness. We believe that the past and the future are intertwined, which is why we integrate modern design with sound philosophy. We practice the teaching of universal law, study sacred geometry and acknowledge the psychology of fashion. Our goal is to provide a higher level of synchronization with the mind, body, and spirit. The is where we gain our mantra “Keep Faith”, understanding that there is a power greater than ourselves propelling us to success, regardless of the path.

We want you to know us as The Faithful Brand, meaning we are the brand you look to for inspiration. The concept of Whence&Whither is rooted in the idea that where we come from can help guide our steps ahead. So when you hear our name remember that with every step we are with you, cheering you on!

Universal Laws


Our Faithful Pillars

1. Consciousness 

Striving to not only be aware of Self, but to also be aware of the universal energy’s that surrounds us. We are believers of Sacred Geometry and symbolism. Examples we use often are the Tree and Seed of Life, Circles, Pentagrams and Numerology. We recognize these powerful sigils as the fabric that links all living organisms from the unicellular to the vastly complex.

2. Faith

 This is the power that moves us all. Belief in each other, belief in a higher power, belief in self. Nothing has been accomplished without faith, and the exercise of faith is ultimately our whole purpose for sharing this space and time.

3. Futurism

Constantly pushing experience forward, futurists solve problems, we innovate, we set trends and we use issues and solutions of the past to create a better future. Above all the concept of futurism is meant to preserve life and existence on a grand scale.

4. Community

Our other pillars are meaningless without community. This ties us all together. The sense of belonging that preserves. The sense of responsibility that prevails. Through gaining understanding of this principles, we realize we all share this moment in space together.

5. Sustainability

This is the culmination of all our our pillars. Sustaining our future is the reason we do this, everything else is the action plan to get here. We have but only one planet, let’s preserve it for future generations. There is no Planet B. We aim to draw awareness to sustainable practices and help influence a society of virtuous thinkers. For more info on our sustainability platform visit the link below.

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